Look up "cute" in the dictionary, and right there will be these pics of little "G". He has the most adorable, pinch-able cheeks and such a bubbling personality for a 3 month old. He was a breeze to shoot.
The dumpster behind McDonald's is where a good portion of this post wedding, "trash the dress" shoot took place! "A" hadn't had a chance to eat dinner before we set out on our adventure, so we decided to hit the drive thru at McDonald's. That is when my photographer's eye noticed that the dumpster matched the necklace she was wearing perfectly. It was love at first sight! It was perfect how dirty and grungy the setting was compared to how gorgeous she is. Since it was dinner time, there was a full drive thru with our shoot in full view. We were getting weird looks and questions right and left, but "A" kept her composure (for the most part!) and we got these amazing shots!
*As always...CLICK to enlarge!*
I apologize in advance because this is going to be a LONG post. We had such a great time, and there were WAY too many exquisite images to choose from. Many of the images had absolutely no post processing editing done! They were perfect straight off of the Canon. Posted are my top "17" favorites!
If anyone is thinking of doing a "trash the dress" session I STRONGLY urge you to just go for it!!! The images you will get out of it are soooooooo worth it, and in most cases the dress doesn't really get THAT dirty. It is worth it to just dive in, and then pay to have your dress professionally cleaned.
Last week I was finishing up some editing for a recent wedding. I came across this candid reception image, and it literally made me tear up. The love and affection felt here is so real. If I had to sum up what "true love" really means with one picture, this would be it. I'm so glad that I was able to catch this unexpected tender moment.
With the help of my fabulous uncle, I have launched my new website today! Check it out at www.StacyJacobsenPhotography.com. Or just click on the link to the right! Also, I am starting a new blogging "comment incentive." Every 50th comment gets a free See's Candy gift card! Pretty "sweet" huh? Thanks to all of my wonderful clients who allow me to have the most amazingly fun job in the world!
I spent a fun morning in the lettuce patch with these two adorable twins. "K" and "M" just turned two and definitely know how to have a good time. There was a lot of exploring and dirt throwing going on, but we managed to get a little work done in the process. We did, however, have mandatory breaks every time a train went by...of course then the train turned into the main topic of conversation. Thanks for being such good models guys! Enjoy the preview Mom and Dad!
Here are some more of my favorite images of A and B's big day! These two are soooooooo in love! Their affection made all of their images so sincere and natural.
Every bride should have some "getting ready" images.
A little brotherly love
This little girl was ADORABLE! These are some of my favorite wedding shots EVER! I love the tilt of her shoe as she waits for the bride and groom to come out of the chapel.
A little bubble fun
I love that their hands are the focus of this image...sort of symbolic
Congratulations, and thanks for the beautiful day A and B!
I had the pleasure of capturing this lovey dovey couple's wedding on Saturday. Here is a little taste for "A" and "B". Much more from them in the next couple days!