Blogging world, meet the gorgeous and oh-so-photogenic "J." We shot her senior portrait session this evening, and I could wait to share these images. She was so fabulous and more than willing to trust my crazy ideas. You rock "J," Enjoy!
...well, across the street. These sweet girls are our neighbors. I have known them since they were little-little, so it is crazy to see how grown up they are becoming! I found this black and white fabric at Joanns on my last trip, and thought it would make an excellent background. The girls were happy to test it out for me. Any thoughts???
^I have been working for a while on a new black and white conversion, and I think I have it almost perfected.
ARMOMMY is this great local company that offers products to help simplify our lives as moms. The inspirtation for AMROMMY lies in their desire to create trendy and functional products for nursing and new moms. Their products range from nursing tanks, to washable snack baggies, to stationary, and more! LOVED this shoot and these products! Check out their site at
More trip pics...One day while we were all playing at the park I pulled three of my nieces aside for a little-10 minute-impromptu photo shoot. Aren't these girls just gorgeous!?
^Little brother wanted to get in on the action. I LOVE the look on his he thinks it is a trick or something!
Thanks for indulging me with these trip pictures, we had such a great time. Tomorrow it is back to real life with some images from a fabulous product shoot.
I'm still making my way through editing all of the trip photos before I have to get back to shoots and actual work tomorrow. Here is a little storyboard of Tavin and his cousin enjoying some ice cream. Don't they make it look so tasty!
We are back from our wonderful vacation, and boy does it feel good to be home! There is so much to catch up on, but here is a little taste of the fun we had with family over the past two weeks.
These beauties are three of my nieces, livin' it up and throwing some cotton around.
The whole fam is going on vacation, so I won't be making any blog posts for the next two weeks. Stay tuned though, because there will be SO much to show when I get back! Oh, and I didn't think it would be right to leave you without an image...
These sessions are great for holiday card pictures, back to school photos, and just updating your family photo! Sessions are $25 and last about 20-30 minutes. Click to enlarge for more details. These sessions will go super fast, so book while you still can!
Meet the gorgeous "D" family: "B", "B", and "B!" Other than being a little tongue tied, I had such a good time with them. These kids are so playful and cute. Mom mentioned to me that they LOVED to dress up, so at the end of the shoot we broke out the costumes...and candy! I was getting really excited for Halloween!
^How cute is this serious look that was constantly on littlest B's face?!
"K" and "M" had the most gorgeous wedding on Saturday. The ceremony and reception was at the J4 Ranch in La Conner. It is an absolutely beautiful working berry farm owned by a friend of the family. M and K are such a genuinely nice and warm couple, and it was a delight to capture the special moments of their big day.
^ I LOVE to watch kids watching weddings
Congrats K and M, and thank you for letting me a part of your day!
I had a shoot with these three handsome brothers earlier today. It was so fun to watch them play and interact with each other. My two boys are just starting to do that, and I loved this little sneak peek of what mine will probably be like in a year or so. Of course, the main topic of conversation was cars and spiders, BUT we were able to focus long enough to get some adorable shots. Thanks for the fun time exploring guys! I hope the ice cream was worth all the hard work!
^Big brother "E" was SURE that there were coyotes around my house somewhere, so he had to protect little "B."
I had to end the post with some cute little piggies!